Construction Material from Chemically Activated Fly Ash
EPA Contract Number: 68D50099
Title: Construction Material from Chemically Activated Fly Ash
Investigators: Rostami, Hossein
Small Business: By-Products Research Inc.
EPA Contact: Richards, April
Phase: I
Project Period: September 1, 1995 through March 1, 1996
Project Amount: $62,000
RFA: Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) – Phase I (1996) RFA Text | Recipients Lists
Research Category: Hazardous Waste/Remediation , SBIR – Waste , Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR)
Out of 50 million tons of fly ash generated each year in the United States, only 27% is reused or recycled. The remaining 73% is landfilled which presents potential environmental problems in the future. This projects main objective is to develop a new class of construction material from the Chemically Activated Fly Ash (CAFA) in conjunction with fine and coarse aggregates, and determine pertinent mechanical and environmental properties of the final product. The information in this investigation will provide information needed to create a production process most suitable both technically and economically. Preliminary results reveals that is material reaches compressive strength of 6,000 psi after 2 hours and an ultimate strength of 13,000 psi after one day. Typically portland cement concrete requires 28 days to reach the same strength level that CAFA material achieves after 2 hours. Economic analysis of this material indicated that the cost of this material is significantly less than comparable strength portland cement material on the market.
Supplemental Keywords:
small business, SBIR, engineering, chemistry., RFA, Scientific Discipline, Waste, Sustainable Industry/Business, cleaner production/pollution prevention, Environmental Chemistry, Hazardous Waste, Economics and Business, Chemistry and Materials Science, Hazardous, Environmental Engineering, hazardous substance disposal, hazardous waste disposal, construction industry, hazardous waste recycling, environmentally conscious manufacturing, Production/Pollution Prevention, recyclable design, waste minimization, waste reduction, chemically activated fly ash, fly ash, cost benefit, alternative materials, recycling, engineering, production processes, construction material, waste recovery, economic analysis, pollution prevention
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- Blog
- April 10, 2020